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Тема: At the Airport.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Цель урока: совершенствование навыков  устной монологической и

диалогической речи.



  1. Развивать у учащихся умение общаться на английском языке.

  2. Продолжить знакомство с деловым английским.

  3. Совершенствовать лексико-грамматических навыки



1.Развивать интеллектуальные способности учащихся.

2. Формировать умение выделять главное, сравнивать и анализировать.



  1. Воспитывать потребность  приобщения к мировой культуре.


Форма организации урока: групповая

Средство обучения: Интерактивная методика.

Оборудование: презентация , интерактивная доска,  дидактический раздаточный материал (карточки, картинки), видеофрагмент.



I.  Орг. момент.

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

III. Речевая разминка.

IV. Знакомство с новыми словами.

V. Активизация навыков чтения.

VI. Активизация навыков аудирования и диалогической речи.

VI. Знакомство учащихся со столицей США Вашингтоном.

VII. Итог урока.


                                    Ход урока:

I.  Орг. момент.

Т: Good morning, dear children!

Sts: Good morning! Good morning!

       Good morning to you

       Good morning, dear teacher,

       We are glad to see you.

T: I’m glad to see you, too! Sit down, please.

T: Who is on duty today?

St: I’m.

T: What date is it today?


T: Who is absent?


T: What is the weather like today?


T: Thank you. Sit down, please.

T: My dear friends, today is very a impotant lesson because guests have come to us. And you need to show all you can do.

First of all how quickly you can think.

Secondly how you can speak and read.

Thirdly today you’ll know some English words, learn what you have to do at the airport, and you’ll get acquainted  with the capital of the USA.


The motto of our lesson  is the words of the chinees philosopher

I listened – I forgot

I read - I remembered

I did – I knew.

    II. Фонетическая зарядка.


T: It’s time to train our tongue.Have you ever tried to imitate a plane? I think you stretch your arms a part, inlinch your body a little, and here you are… flying.

The plane is travelling up in the sky,

V –v – v

Moving so fast, and ever so high,

F – f –f

Over the land , and over the sea,

Sh –sh –sh

But we always come back in time,

D – d    - d     .              

Very good, thank you.

 III. Речевая разминка.

Игра с мячом

T : Answer my questions

  • What did you do yesterday?

  • What time do you usually get up?

  • Do you help your mother?

  • What are you doing?

  • Did you watch TV yesterday evening?

  • What are you going to do tonight?

T: Who wants to be a teacher?

St: I do.

T: Try to use different tenses.

(один из учащихся выходит к доске и задает вопросы классу)



IV. Знакомство с новыми словами.

T: Let’s learn  new words.

 To travel– путешествовать

To fly –летать

To leave – покидать, оставлять

Flight – полет

Passport – паспорт

Tourist – турист

Luggage – багаж

Abroad – заграница

Heavy – тяжелый

Costom – таможня

Ticket- билет

T: As you sit in group, try to make sentences with these words. (2 минуты)


V. Активизация навыков чтения.


Now we work with the text “At the Airiport” (Jig –saw)


  1. The first time to travel abroad is not easy. Your flight will leave fromMoscow, an international airoport. You have to be very carefull when you get there. This airport  is quite big and firstly you need to check your flight time and flight number on the Departures board.


    2 . Then you go to the Customs and fill in your declaration, after that you go to the desk of the company,  which you are flying with.          At this desk you do a lot of things .Firstly you check in your luggage. It is important that your luggage is not heavier than 25   

         kilos.  If it is more, you will have to pay for extra kilos.


    3. Then people at the desk check in your ticket and your passport. It is their responsibility to make sure that you have a valid visa 

        for  the country or your destination. They will ask you, “Where do you want to sit?” You can sit in the aisle or next to the window.


     4.Finally, you go to the passport control. Normall, all these things do not take longe than twenty minutes and as soon as you have 

        done them all, you will still have the time to do some shopping in the duty-free shops.


St1: Text 1

St2: Text 2       самостоятельно читают текст в течении 1 минуты

St3: Text 3

St4: Text 4


Затем учащиеся объединяются в группы: все №1, все №2, все №3, все №4.

Работают в таких группах в течении трех  минут и возвращаются в домашние группы,  знакомят друг друга с содержанием своих частей в течение 3 минут.


Now it’s time to check over your understading of the text.


 Task 1: Tick which sentences are true

  1. The airoport is small.

  2. You can check your flight time and number in the Custom.

  3. The wight of your luggage must not be heavier more than 25 kilos.

  4. Finally, you can go to the passport control.

  5. There are no shops in the airport.


 Task 2  : Answer the questions

  1. What do you do in the Custom?

  2. What will you do if your luggage is more than 25 kilos?

  3. Why do you have to show your passport on the passport control?


 Task 3: Who can tell us what the text is about?


VI. Активизация навыков аудирования и диалогической речи.

Let’s know what should you do in the airport when you arrive to the abroad

For example you are in the airport of Washington.

Listen to the dialogue.

Dialogue 1:

  • Good afternoon!

  •  May I see your passport, please?

  •  Yes, here it is, and here is my visa.

  • Thank you, you have a tourist visa for three months.

  • Yes, that’s right I plan to travel some in the US.

  • Where are you going?

  • I’m going to spend some time in Atlanta. After that I’m going to Washington, Chicago and California.

  • All right. Enjoy your stay!



T:  What is this dialogue about?


T: Where is the man going to spend the time?



Dialogue 2:

  • Hi, anithing to declare?

  • Excuse me? I don’t understand.

  • Do you have any valuables or alcohol to declare?

  • No, nothing at all.

  • OK. You can go ahead.

  • Thank you.


T:  Where is this dialogue held ?


T:Why did the man go whithout problem ?



Учащиеся должны заполнить пропуски в предложениях после их прослушивания, у каждого из учащихся есть карточки со следующими предложениями.


  1. I plan to_________ some in the US.

  2. May I see you ___________ please?

  3. ________are you going?

  4. Enjoy your ________.

  5. You have a _______ visa for three months.

  6. Hi, __________to declare?

  7. You can go______.

  8. No, _______at all.

  9. Excuse me? I don’t_______.

  10. _______ you.


Взаимопроверка. Учащиеся обмениваются карточками, проверяют, прослушивая предложения еще раз.

Задания группам

1 и   2 группы: Составить диалог “At the passport control”

3 и   4  группы: Составить диалог “At the Custom”


VI. Знакомство у со столицей США Вашингтоном.

It’s time tо introduce   the capital of the USA Washington.

(Просмотр видеоролика)


VII. Итог урока.

1.What did you learn new in the lesson?

What do you think this knowledge will be  used for?

  1. Your marks are….

  2. Home task: learn new words by heart & think up a story about your travelling.

  3.  Thank you for your work.

                                  Raise your head!

                                  Jump up high!

                                  Wave your hand!

                                  And say “Good-bye”

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